
Save the world – think BIG!

After analysing data across several clients it’s reassuring to see that the most popular #nudge categories were health, lifestyle and work-life balance alongside work-related goals – all supported with the blessing of employers. What it said to me in this COVID transformed world of work was that employers really do care about their employee’s wellbeing – a […]

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JURY SERVICE. Like death and taxes, eventually, it comes to us all.

I jest, but as a small business it has a large income and reputation impact when you can’t deliver services. Having delayed the inevitable call-up (to finish analysis for the NHS to recruit thousands of vaccinators), I dutifully attended court. I say court. it was in fact a cinema. Imagine the scene – the entire […]

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What does the most technically advanced car in the world, clean teeth and your workforce have in common ?

As 2020’s Formula 1 season drew to a close, the rather predictable news was that yet again that dispite a massively COVID disrupted season a German team (based in Britain) powered by a German engine (built in Britain) and led by a British driver (not based in Britain) had won 13 of the 17 races. […]

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Getting insights from People Analytics is the easy bit. ROI? That’s far, far harder.

Netflix’s recent documentary, The Great Hack, exposed the dark side of data exploitation using its power to influence millions of peoples’ voting intentions. If the claim that “Data has surpassed oil as the world’s most valuable asset” is true then why is it that the benevolent intention of people analytics to improve workforce productivity rarely leads […]

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HR system Darwin-ism – the Breeders continue to proliferate

So what ethos is winning the battle between the single unified HR solution versus the multiple “best of breed “ employee systems for HR, recruitment, talent and attendance?   Well, surprise, surprise, it seems the Breeders still continue to dominate the Unifiers. A recent survey confirms this with over two thirds of organizations having four or […]

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